One of the seven 'Mukti Sthalas' of Karnataka (Parashurama kshetra). Anegudde is the combination of two words - Aane means Elephant and Gudde stands for hillock. Anegudde is also popularly called Kumbashi.

Once there was a severe famine in this area. So Maharshi Agastya started a yagna. A demon, Kumbhasur started harassing the Rishis. The Pandavas who were present in the region heard of this and sent Bheema to rescue the Rishis.

Ganesha blessed and gave a sword to Bheema to fight Kumbhasur. Bheema killed him and Ganesha murti was installed here and worshipped. The standing murti has four arms. Two of the arms are in Varada Hasta mudra. Bhaktas believe that Ganesha fulfils all wishes without fail.


  1. लफ़्ज़ों का इस्तेमाल हिफ़ाज़त से करिए,ये परवरिश का बेहतरीन सबूत होते हैं
    I request you to avoid alien urdu
    Why not use Sanskrit?
    Because if you use Sanskrit people from allover India will understand as there are so many Sanskrit words in all Indian Languages
    I am Tamizhan by birth and i would rather use Sanskrit than the idiotic urdu.
    Hindi would be more palatable to Tamizhans once you remove urdu words and replace them with Sanskrit words.
    Cleanse Hindi of urdu words


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